Cindy Lockett
CTE Coordinator
(865) 882-3700 ext. 1983
CTE’s mission is to provide all students in the Roane County School system with a broad range of choices in career and technical education courses which are relevant to today's global society. This will enable our students to pursue their career paths and become tomorrow's successful citizens, workers, and leaders.
Roane County Schools offers students the ability to participate in 34 high school and 5 middle school career & technical education programs.
Roane County Schools also encourages non-traditional students to enter stem and other programs of study listed at the right. One way we introduce those opportunities to students are through the Oak Ridge National Laboratory's traveling science fair. The ORNL Science Fair provides guests of all ages the opportunity to learn more about science and the importance of research being done at oak ridge national laboratory. Students enter carnival style interactive trailers that describe various fields of research and areas of future job opportunities. Get more information at: https://orise.orau.gov/ornl-science-fair/
All Roane County private schools, please contact our CTE director if you are interested in our CTE offerings and professional development activities.