Dear Parents,
Our high schools will be administering End of Course (EOC) tests on December 2nd - 19th. Each school creates their own testing schedules for dates and times of tests in English I, English II, Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II, U.S. History, and Biology.
As you know, we have been busy preparing and reinforcing the skills necessary for students to demonstrate their learning. Even though this assessment is a snapshot—one single perspective – it is important that our students have every advantage to do their very best. We don’t want to cause test anxiety, rather we want our students to be as prepared as possible. There are many ways in which you can help your child put his/her best foot forward.
The following guidelines can help set our students up for success:
The night before the test:
1. Make sure your child goes to bed on time so he or she is well-rested.
2. Keep your routine as normal as possible. Upsetting natural routines may make children feel insecure.
3. Be positive and confident in the fact that you know your child will do his/her best.
4. Plan ahead to avoid conflicts on the morning of the test.
The morning of the test:
1. Get up a few minutes early to avoid rushing and make sure your child arrives at school on time.
2. Have your child eat a nutritious breakfast. There is a strong correlation between eating breakfast and memory and cognitive functioning.
3. Be positive and communicate that this is your child’s chance to show what he/she knows.
The most important thing you can do right before the test is to build confidence about doing his/her very best.
After the test:
1. Talk to your child about his/her feelings about the test.
2. Discuss what was easy and what was hard; discuss what your child learned from the test.
3. Explain that performance on a test is an opportunity to demonstrate learning.
Thank you for your continued support and involvement in your child’s education.