Homecoming Week Information for RCHS:

Class Competitions:
- Hallway decorations (completed by Student Council over the weekend)-- check our social media page for pictures this week!
- Class floats (will be featured in the parade on Thursday)
- Food Drive donations for RCS Student Services: canned ravioli and mac n cheese
- Dress up day participation
- Pep rally games
- Noise level at the pep rally
Tuesday: Seniors take the ACT in the morning! Be sure to bring a charged Chromebook, calculator, and #2 pencils.
Thursday: Parade Information
**Due to circumstances beyond our control, the parade route has been changed this year. Please see the flyer below with map and information. If your child is participating in the parade, he/she may be dropped off at the main parking lot in front of Building A at 5:15 on Thursday. The road will close by 5:45 pm, and the parade will promptly begin at 6:00 pm.
We encourage the public to come out and line the streets for the parade which fill feature clubs, the football team and cheerleaders, the Homecoming court, class floats, and our award-winning marching band.
Friday: Our student body will enjoy a carnival in the afternoon after the pep rally. Please send money with your child for snacks, face paint, etc.
The homecoming queen will be announced at half time of the game!
Kingston Alumni:
As you enter Dr. Nat Sugarman Field on Friday, be on the lookout for a Beta student to receive a FREE "K Alumni" button!! Supplies are limited to the first 400 who enter!!