Food City School Bucks and Kroger Community Rewards
Bacon & Barnett
Student Insurance Available for 2022-2023
free act prep
​An Update from Coordinated School Health:  Our goal for the upcoming year is to address COVID issues as they arrive. Currently, we are not receiving COVID guidance from the State Department of Health for the K-12 setting. Therefore, we will start this school year in a regular manner. We are following CDC recommendation for positive cases and continue to encourage mask wearing, social distancing as best as possible, hand sanitizing, and maintain student cluster seating charts in order to limit the spread of any virus.  ✔ Roane County Schools will no longer contact trace for COVID-19.  ✔ Positive COVID cases will isolate from school for a minimum of 5 days from the positive test date; additionally, it is recommended to wear a mask an additional 5 days upon return, per CDC guidance.  ✔ Documentation from a medical provider, home tests, and school nurse clinic COVID tests will be accepted as proof of a positive case. “Verbal Only” reports of a positive case (example: home COVID test) will be accepted on a one time basis.  ✔ There will be NO quarantines from exposure to a positive case. Parents that report exposures to a positive case may refrain from school attendance but MUST use parent notes in order to be excused, with the reminder that students are only allowed 6 parent notes in a school year.  ✔ Staff may use sick or personal days for COVID related absences.
Welcome Image for new employees
School Supplies
Open House 2023
Parking Passes
Back to School
Calendar Update Clip Art
Captain Daryl Cook and TNSROA President Kim Lay
Tennessee's traditional sales tax holiday on clothing, school supplies and computers begins at 12:01 a.m. on Friday, July 29, 2022, and ends at 11:59 p.m. on Sunday, July 31, 2022.  Click here for more information about what items are tax-exempt during this holiday.